Dentist or DIY: What You Should Know About Teeth Whitening Today

Everybody admires nice white teeth and a confident smile and the cosmetic dentistry industry is booming. Most of us think that our teeth are not really white enough. But go to a dentist to ask about teeth whitening and you may be surprised by the cost and wonder if it is really worth the expense. So what about using a kit to whiten your own teeth? Are there any risks and what, if any, are the advantages?

Whitening Methods

There are several different methods that are used to whiten teeth. All involve the use of chemical bleach, mainly hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

  • In-office whitening, as its name suggests, takes place in the dentist’s office. It is generally regarded as the quickest way to achieve noticeable effects safely.
  • Custom-fitted whitening trays can be supplied by your dentist or purchased directly. A mould fits closely around the teeth and ensures even contact with the whitening agent.
  • As well as trays, online outlets such as WhiterSmile can supply strips or paint-on gels. These are simple to use, and especially effective when combined with LED light accelerators.

Advantages of Dentist Treatment

Getting your treatment done by a dentist means that you are in completely safe hands. Although the risk of doing any harm is very slight if you treat yourself, you know that your dentist will not make any mistakes.

With your dentist supervising your treatment, you know that you will get quick results and a nice even color.

Advantages of DIY Treatment

The most noticeable advantage of DIY over dentist treatment is that it is much, much cheaper.

In the majority of cases, the results will be indistinguishable from those achieved by the dentist.

Home treatment is more convenient, you can decide for yourself when and for how long to apply your whiteners. You can maintain the level of whiteness at a pace to suit yourself.

Things to Remember

Even if you decide that a home whitening kit is the way you want to go, it makes sense to consult your dentist before you start. There may be reasons why your teeth are getting discolored which indicate a different problem. Also a thorough clean with the removal of tartar will make your teeth most receptive to whitening.

If you have crowns or bridges, the whitening will not affect them and you may be left with discolored teeth among your bright white ones. On the other hand, if your crown was fitted when your teeth were whiter, you will want to bring the natural teeth back to the same color.

All treatments are temporary. Whatever method you use, you will almost certainly need to repeat the treatment on a fairly regularly basis, typically two or three times per year.

Go With Your Smile

A confident smile is a great asset in life, and if you know your teeth are white your smile is probably going to be easier and more natural. Teeth whitening, whether at home or in the dentist’s chair, is generally safe and easy to achieve.