A Guide to Weight Training

Weight training is a popular way of achieving fitness goals such as a more toned and fitter body or building muscle mass. Also known as strength or resistance training, weight training can strengthen your muscles, bones, joints and metabolism, and reduce your chance of getting injured. You can also try Bio X4, a supplement designed to control weight management through a probiotic blend and other natural ingredients.

Weight training might seem intimidating to someone who is just getting started with adding strength to their cardio routine, especially as it seems like there’s a bunch of different equipment required. While weight training can help you achieve physical goals such as squatting heavy weights, it can also help you during regular everyday life and keep you healthy in the long run.

Hire professional trainers

If you’ve never done weight training before, a professional trainer would be helpful in getting you started properly. Most gyms usually have training sessions or trainers for the members. If you don’t have a gym membership, you can hire a personal trainer for sessions at home.

Begin with your bodyweight and perfect your form

To start, you can try out bodyweight exercises such as pushups and lunges to become familiar with the main movements in weight training. These do not require  any equipment. You can also take your personal trainer’s help to safely master the form for the basic movement patterns that will prepare you to progress to the next stage. You can also opt for online tutorials if you do not want to hire a personal trainer.

Invest in equipment

Once you’re comfortable with the bodyweight exercises and have achieved a good form, you can invest in the equipment required for weight training. Some of the basic equipment includes adjustable weight dumbbells, kettlebells and resistance bands.


As with any other physical activity, it is important to warm-up properly before you begin your weight training routine. For instance, foam rolling can wake your muscles up and loosen them. A dynamic warm-up will increase your range of motion and allow you to fully feel the benefits of the exercises without getting injured.

Set up a schedule

You should not go all-out right at the beginning of your weight training journey. Start with a schedule of two to three days a week and then work your way up. It is recommended to weight train for three to five days a week for the best results. Cap the routines at about forty minutes.

Work on all muscles groups

Many people are interested in building certain muscles such as biceps, but weight training is best if worked on all major muscle groups in the body. Working on just one muscle group can also increase your chances of injury. Some exercises that you can integrate into the routine are one arm db row for your back and upper arm muscles, dumbbell shoulder press for your shoulder muscles, bicep curls for your biceps, dumbbell chest press for your chest muscles, tricep extensions for your triceps, resistance band pull apart for the muscles in the back, shoulders and arms, squats for your leg muscles including your calves, hamstrings and quadriceps, and many more.

Weight training can become a useful exercise during your workout routine. Muscle mass usually starts declining after one reaches their 30s, and weight training can help you maintain and build strength as you reach old-age.