Best dry eye sleep mask to keep the dryness under control

Dry eyes are not very pleasant for anybody. They cause irritation, itching, and gritty feel that cause a lot of distraction the whole day. The itching can get worse as the day passes; it can get more painful. If you have suffered from dry eyes, you may have noticed that the dryness increases throughout the day, and it reaches its peak at night. It is best to cure your eyes at night to prevent dryness in the eyes. One of the best remedies to cure dry eyes is a dry eye sleep mask that helps bring back moisture over time.

Dry eyes can be so painful that it may stop you from going on an outing or meeting your friends. There may be different causes for the dryness in your eyes, and there are other masks to cure it. Let us look at the significant reasons and some of the best dry eye masks to help you with the problem.

There may be varied causes to recur dry eyes. A common factor for the same involves the decreased formation of tears, low quality of tears, and tear evaporation. Your cornea needs moisture over every blink, and when there is not enough moisture in your eyes, it leads to the dried cornea. A heated dry eye mask helps to bring back the water in your cornea and removes dryness.

Dry eyes are also a result of metabolic disorders that majorly happen in adult females. One other dry eye disorder is called ‘nocturnal lagophthalmos.’ It occurs when you are not entirely able to close your eyes during sleep. Facial palsy, lid deformity, or incomplete healing from eyelid surgery can be significant reasons causing dry eye. There are other health and environmental factors associated with dry eyes. But you can cure it all with an electric heated dry eye mask. Dry eye masks can help limit the irritation in your eyes while reducing the symptoms of dry eyes. Eye masks are the low-cost way out to get rid of dryness. At night, they prevent your eyes from light exposure and blocking the external light.

Here’s a round-up of the dry eye masks for quick results:

● Silk dry eye mask

A silk sleep mask helps prevent your eyes from getting dry in the first place. Not only does it block the entrance of external light, but it also protects your eyes from air conditioning and fans. The silk dry eye mask is among the most preferred because of its silk texture that is soothing for the skin and its results.

● Electric heated dry eye mask

The electric heated dry eye mask is one of the popular ones to relieve insomnia, dry eyes, and blepharitis. These come with in-built thermal protection that prevents overheating. You can choose the temperature levels and time limit so that it works for you accordingly. It covers all the surfaces around your eyes and gives huge relief while sleeping. It is perfect for a long time and even a short break.

Dry eye sleep masks do not only help with the dryness and improved moisture, but it is an excellent remedy for better sleep, eye comfort, and tear formation. They are also environment-friendly, washable, and breathable.