Holding an Intervention: When Is It the Right Time?

It’s hard to see a loved one fall further into addiction. What started out as a prescription, fun time with friends, or a way to enjoy the weekend can all too quickly morph into something that’s difficult or impossible to control, that impacts every part of their life, and that can take a toll on their health. When a loved one is at this stage and still does not want help, it may be time to hold an intervention. 

They are Taking More Risks

One of the most asked questions about interventions is when to hold one. It’s hard to determine the right time, but if a loved one is starting to take more risks because of substance abuse, now is a good time to do it. Waiting may no longer be an option because you are concerned about their health and safety. Holding an intervention now can enable them to get the help they need faster, as long as the intervention is successful, and can prevent potentially serious consequences of high-risk behaviors. 

Their Health is a Concern

Every substance has side effects, and when someone abuses substances, they’re at a higher risk of health complications. This is especially true if they abuse substances for a long period of time or use a lot at once because of a higher tolerance. An intervention may be needed now to help protect their health from getting worse or to help prevent them from overdosing or dying due to their addiction. Many health issues can be reduced or reversed by recovering from addiction. 

The Substance is All They Think About

You may have noticed that they don’t seem to care about anything except the substance anymore. Hobbies they used to enjoy are no longer interesting, they don’t take part in keeping the home clean or helping the family, or they don’t like going out and doing the things they used to do with their friends. If they only think about the substances anymore, including how to get money to get more or what they can do to make it last longer, it’s time to think about an intervention.

They Deny Having an Issue

You may also want to consider holding an intervention if your loved one denies they have a problem. Many times those who are addicted to substances will go through a period of denial. They believe they are in control of their own situation and can quit without help – they just don’t want to right now. They don’t realize they are suffering from addiction and will need help to recover. An intervention can help get them to realize this and be willing to accept help. 

You Can’t Help Anymore

Sometimes it’s more about what you can handle instead of their addiction. If you’ve given everything possible, dealt with theft, lying and other issues, and still they have not listened to you when you let them know they need to get help, it might be time to hold an intervention. This lets them know that you are not supporting their addiction anymore, but that you will support them through recovery.

It can be hard to know when to hold an intervention, and timing is important. If you’ve noticed any of the signs here, it might be a good idea to look into the treatment options available and to discuss holding an intervention with a professional. They’ll help you learn what to say and do to have a better chance of it being successful.