How to Give Your Baby The Best Nutrition- Start With Nutritious Food

Food is a natural and safe source of vitamins and minerals. The best variant is breastfeeding, but not all parents can do that for health reasons or life choices. In this case, to start correctly, one needs to select the best baby formula for an infant. Many baby food manufacturers create decent formulas that correspond to the standards of the FDA and EFSA, so one has an excellent choice at one’s disposal.

What baby formula is the safest and the best for babies? Is it necessary to keep to an infant feeding chart?

What Is the Safest Baby Formula?

The first question an average parent asks is about baby formula safety. It goes without saying organic formula is the safest because it has no artificial ingredients. A reputable baby food manufacturer deals with farmers who milk healthy cows and goats. The main rule is to feed animals with grass that is not sprinkled with pesticides or other chemicals. Moreover, an animal mustn’t take medicine, especially antibiotics and anti-parasite ones. 

What’s so special about organic formulas? There are five advantages to benefit from.

  1. They have no sugar, saccharose, and other unnecessary sweeteners.
  2. Organic formula is based on non-GMO products.
  3. Companies never use stabilizers and flavors to improve the taste of mixtures.
  4. Such formulas have no taste enhancers, so babies develop healthy eating habits.
  5. Organic formula replicates breastmilk. That is why kids usually face zero side effects because it perfectly fits their digestion. 

European companies develop traditional animal and vegan formulas to fit various organisms and needs, like in case of allergies, gassy tummies, and frequent refluxes. So, one should consult a specialist to choose the best baby formula, depending on what your baby feels and wants.

It is Essential to Follow a Feeding Schedule

According to new research, moms should breastfeed their babies on demand, but the situation differs concerning using animal or vegan mixtures. Pediatricians recommend following a feeding schedule when dealing with baby formula because it will help a child avoid a deficit of macronutrients and micronutrients. Moreover, it is important to keep to the infant feeding chart like the one below.

  • From the first days of life to 30 days, a baby needs 24 oz of baby food from 8 to 12 times a day with a 3-hour interval.
  • One-month-old kids still need 24 oz of the mixture. Then, parents need to gradually increase the serving dose to 32 oz and give it 6-8 times daily.
  • When a baby is 3 to 6 months old, it will need 32 oz of baby formula per serving four to six times daily.
  • A nine-month-old baby needs 32 oz of mixture six feedings a day.
  • From 9 months to one year, a baby requires only 24 oz of formula 3 to 5 times daily because a baby simultaneously consumes adult food.

Each serving of organic food provides a baby with healthy nutrients without pesticides, hormones, artificial flavors, and sweeteners. Regular feeding allows a baby never to feel hungry and develop healthy eating habits without sugar and salt cravings.