How To Install Cork Flooring In Your Bedroom

Installing cork flooring in your bedroom is a great way to improve the look and feel of the room. Cork is a natural material that is both moisture and sound-resistant, making it perfect for use in a bedroom. In this article, you will learn how to install cork flooring in your bedroom. Let’s get started!

1. Choose the right type of cork flooring for your bedroom.

There are many cork flooring types that are available. You can choose cork tiles, cork planks, cork mosaic tiles, or cork sheet flooring depending on your budget and room size. Cork bedroom flooring is available in various sizes to suit different rooms.

When it comes to the type of cork flooring Perth homeowners use, cork sheets are much preferred for bedrooms because they have a more natural, rustic look. Cork tiles are also a popular choice as they provide better durability and moisture resistance than cork planks or cork mosaics. Cork tiles are thinner than cork planks but thicker than cork mosaics.

Cork sheets can be laid over any existing flooring without attaching anything to it. However, cork sheets are more expensive than cork planks and cork mosaics because cork plans and cork mosaics are easier to install.

2. Remove the old flooring (if there is any).

You have to prepare the surface for cork flooring. If there is any existing cork flooring in your bedroom, you must remove it first. Once removed, use a vacuum to clean the room and wipe it with a moist cloth so that anything stuck between the planks or tiles can be removed. Even if you are not removing the old cork flooring, you have to do this because cork sheets are thicker than cork tiles and cork planks.

3. Prepare the subfloor and floor joists (if there is any).

Your cork bedroom flooring will be installed on top of an existing subfloor or a finished cork flooring. If there is already cork flooring in the bedroom, you probably won’t have to prepare the subfloor. However, if your cork tiles or cork planks do not fit perfectly and there is a gap between them and the ground underneath, you must first fill these gaps with cork sand. Once filled, sand it down.

You also have to check the floor joists in your bedroom. If there are protruding nails on the floors, remove them using wire cutters because cork sheets are very sensitive to moisture.

4. Lay cork sheets in your bedroom.

Once everything is prepared, you can lay cork sheets in your bedroom. Make sure that the cork sheets fit perfectly and leave no gaps between them and cork tiles or cork planks. You can use cork sand to fill these gaps and once filled, sand it down until cork sheets are flush with cork planks or cork tiles.

As cork sheets are so thick, you will have to use cork glue when laying cork sheets in the bedroom. This makes it easy to install cork flooring in your bedroom because cork glue can be easily spread over cork sheets using a grout spreader. If cork sheets are not thick enough, cork glue is not required.

5. Glue cork tiles or cork planks in your bedroom.

After laying cork sheets, you can now use cork glue to lay cork tiles or cork planks on top of cork sheets. You will need cork glue for cork tiles or cork planks because cork sheets are too thick for cork tiles or cork planks. Make sure that cork tiles or cork planks fit perfectly with cork sheets and leave no gaps between them.

After gluing cork tiles or cork planks, you can now fill cork glue with cork sand. Once filled, use a cork scrap board to smooth cork tiles or cork planks until cork sheets are flush with cork tiles or cork planks.

6. End the work by sealing your bedroom cork flooring.

After laying cork flooring in your bedroom, always seal cork flooring with cork sealant in order to prevent moisture or other things from damaging cork sheets or cork tiles. Cork sealant is available in clear and tinted varieties, so choose cork sealant that best suits the look of your cork bedroom flooring.

Installing cork flooring in your bedroom can be a great way to improve the look and feel of the room. Cork is a natural material that is durable and provides good insulation. Perfect for bedrooms!