When you wanted to study at a top university or institution, searching for student accommodation is always a tricky process. There are many choices to be made and things to think about when you wanted to select a place to live in. With overwhelming students getting admission every year, student living in London have many choices of accommodation to opt for. finding the best place to stay comfortable with low rental makes the study experience richer.
With the new location, it will be a daunting experience to find the right location to call home during the stay in the place. Here are some of the tips to find student accommodation:
Find a suitable location
The closer you stay in the city, the expenses will be more. It is necessary to think about a few things before choosing the place to live in:
- Distance from the university campus
- Cost of commute
- Whether is it budget-friendly?
- Availability of required thinks around you
There are some places where student accommodation is the place where it is placed to the direct transport facility, contains cheap rental, and thriving student hubs.
Decide on the type of accommodation and get prepared
With the plethora of accommodation types such as university student accommodation, shared en-suite, private halls of residences, you have to consider which type of accommodation you wanted to stay in? Halls of residence which are owned and managed by universities or private residences that are governed by the outer people containing the better facilities and private studio with dual accommodation fully a type of independent living are the three types of options for students to choose among.
Choose in the areas of accommodation
Once you have decided on the type of accommodation you would like to live in, then the next thing you need to decide on the area to stay in. Research on different areas that are close to your classes, such as these student homes across the UK, and decide on the sharing basis option if you wish to. Also, make a note of things you wish to enquire about when viewing properties.
Make a quicker act
With the overwhelming choices of accommodation, an increasing number of students raise the demands of such accommodations. With the enrolling date getting closer by there will be a huge demand for en-suite and shared en-suite types of accommodation. So it is advisable to search for properties as early as possible for better stay features and if you find anything appealing then arrange to view it as soon as possible.
Try to get reviews from friends and relatives
When you wanted to stay in the city, and if you are unaware of the place, then you don’t have to search or decide alone. Try asking for help or get a review from a friend or relative who is living in the same city or place to help you with searching for student accommodation.
Ask with the university student committee or consultant
When you are unaware of the place or location of where to find the student accommodation, ask or seek the help of the university office or student committee member. They might have an idea of the accommodation services or independent providers who are offering consultations and assistance regarding the place.
Look for different security measures
We all know that all places are vulnerable to crimes and other thefts, sometimes it might be a safe place to stay. So it is necessary to look into different security measures around the place of stay and is important to live in with peace of mind and also to ensure your belonging will be safe and sound while you are living in. Things such as CCTV cameras, intercoms, key cards, and password protection services are basic things to look out for as 24/7 emergency services. These services will also help your parents to feel better when you are living away from them.
Check out for budgeting and affordability
It is a nightmare for both students and parents when you wanted to look for student accommodation. Due to the rise in demand and competitive nature of the market, students often end up living in conditions where they need to compromise on the conditions and safety measures. For students, being new to a place without the parents, find it hard in taking decisions and end up signing in the contracts on the first availability options they find first. Right from the halls of residence and private accommodations, there are different options to decide on and so check which suits your budget before choosing one.
Start early search
Don’t wait unless the commencement of the semester or classes and start to search for student accommodation. As there will be a huge demand for accommodation close to the enrolment date, you need to start looking into the student accommodation as early as possible to get a better-staying facility. If you wanted to get the accommodation in your budget, then it is advisable to start searching 2 to 3 months before. The best way to search for accommodation is to visit online and make a list of the properties you like to contact.
Check for the facilities offered by the university for students accommodation
Many student accommodation services offer great facilities and modern properties provide different amenities including:
- TV lounge,
- Separate kitchens
- Indoor and outdoor games hall
- Common spaces
- Libraries
- Gyms and bars
Other facilities are offered by the university and other private halls of residence which differs in the prices based on. So check for the amenities and facilities you require during your stay of study.
Other tips to choose the student accommodation include:
- Room sharing option
- Security and safety measures
- Furnishing
- Nearby commuting facility
While there are many factors to consider for selecting the student accommodation while you wanted to stay during the higher studies, above are some of the tips you need to primarily consider. Because student accommodation will be your second home for the time you will pursue your dream.