Modern methods of treating psoriasis

Modern therapies for psoriasis offer a wide range of approaches to help manage the symptoms of this chronic skin disease. The goal of treatment is to achieve long-term remission, reduce inflammation and slow the growth of skin cells. Topicals are the first line of treatment for many patients with mild to moderate psoriasis. These medications are applied to the affected areas of the skin and may include glucocorticosteroids, vitamin D medications, retinoids, or antimetabolite creams. These drugs help reduce inflammation and flaking of the skin.

Phototherapy, or light therapy is carried out with using uvb light for psoriasis. It is another effective modern treatment method for psoriasis. It involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet (UV) light under controlled conditions. Ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) and PUVA therapy (phototherapy using psoralens and UV-A radiation) are the two main phototherapy methods for the treatment of psoriasis. These methods help slow down the rate of skin cell division and reduce inflammation.

Systemic, biological and laser therapy

Systemic drugs are used to treat more severe forms of psoriasis. These drugs are taken by mouth or injected into the body by injection or drip. Examples of systemic drugs are: 

  • methotrexate;
  • cyclosporine;
  • aprellinus;
  • alectinin. 

Also there are a number of new biologics such as TNF-alpha inhibitors, interleukin-17 inhibitors, and interleukin-23 inhibitors. These drugs act at various stages of the immune response and inflammation by reducing the activity of the immune system.

Biological therapy is a new generation of drugs that use molecules derived from living organisms or their genetically modified forms to block specific proteins or cells responsible for the development of psoriasis. Biologics include TNF-alpha inhibitors, interleukin-17 inhibitors, and interleukin-23 inhibitors. These drugs may be effective for patients with severe psoriasis that is resistant to other forms of treatment.

Laser therapy is a relatively new treatment for psoriasis that uses laser light to target the affected areas of the skin locally. Various types of lasers, including an excimer laser, a diode type laser, and an erbium laser, can be used to irradiate the affected areas of the skin, resulting in a reduction in inflammation and scaling.

Assessment of the general condition of the patient

The unique characteristics of each patient with psoriasis may require an individual approach to treatment. The doctor may suggest a combination of different treatments or customize therapy based on the specific needs and response of the patient.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of psoriasis treatments can vary from patient to patient. When choosing a therapeutic approach, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the disease, the response to previous treatment, the presence of concomitant diseases and the individual characteristics of the patient. Modern therapies for psoriasis offer more options to control symptoms and improve quality of life in patients with this condition. However, regular monitoring and collaboration with the doctor are key to achieving the best treatment results.

In conclusion, modern methods of treating psoriasis have significantly advanced over the years, offering a range of options to effectively manage this chronic skin condition. Topical treatments, phototherapy, systemic medications, biologic therapies, targeted therapies, and other emerging treatments provide a comprehensive arsenal for healthcare professionals to tailor treatment plans based on individual needs. With proper medical guidance and adherence to treatment regimens, individuals with psoriasis can achieve better control of their symptoms, improved skin health, and enhanced quality of life.