Summer Watering: 5 Tips to Keep a Healthy Lawn Without Overwatering

Summer is a time of hot and dry weather, which can put quite a bit of stress on lawns. To keep your lawn healthy and green, it’s important to water it properly. However, overwatering can also damage your grass or lead to fungal diseases. Here are five tips for watering your lawn during the summer months to help keep your grass healthy without damaging it.

#1. Water Early in the Morning

The most effective time to water lawns is when the temperature is lower in the atmosphere, which is typically very early in the morning or very late at night. Because temperatures are lower and there is less wind during this time, the moisture in the air can travel deeper into the soil without being lost to evaporation. 

It is best to avoid watering your grass in the middle of the day, when temperatures are at their peak, because doing so may cause the water to evaporate too quickly, leaving your grass without adequate hydration. When watering your lawn, it is important to do so at the appropriate time of day to maximize the efficiency with which the water is utilized.

#2. Water Deeply but Less Often

Watering your lawn deeply, but less often, encourages grass roots to grow deeper and stronger. When you water shallowly or too frequently, the grass’s root system remains shallow and unable to retrieve water from deeper in the soil. Deep, but less frequent watering will also help prevent fungal diseases and weed growth that tend to occur with overwatering. 

As a general rule, lawns should be watered 1-2 times per week in the summer and should receive approximately 1 inch of water. This amount can be measured by placing several empty cans or containers around your yard; when they are full, you have reached your goal of 1 inch of water.

#3. Use a Sprinkler System

The best way to make sure that your lawn gets the appropriate amount of water at the appropriate time on the appropriate spot is to make use of a sprinkler system that comes equipped with a programmable timer. Sprinkler systems are convenient for several reasons, one of which is that they enable you to water your lawn at the right time and for the right amount of time without physically being there. Lawn care professionals like Heroes Lawn Care have access to cutting-edge technologies that enable them to optimize the performance of your sprinkler system as well as its schedule following the local weather conditions.

#4. Check Soil Moisture

Before watering your lawn, it is important to check the soil moisture levels to avoid overwatering. To do this, use a soil probe or stick your finger into the soil to a depth of 2-3 inches. If it feels cool and moist, then you do not need to water your lawn. Additionally, grass may turn brown due to other factors such as fungus or disease, so it is important to check the soil before automatically assuming that your grass needs more water. Finally, always check the moisture before mowing. Mowing wet grass will tear the turf out of the ground, whilst wet soil will also result in tyre tracks being left behind. If you don’t have time to mow when it’s dry, consider using a robot lawn mower you can send out during dry spells. It can be tempting to mow when it’s wet if it’s the only chance you’ve got, but by using a robot mower, you’ll save yourself the stress of repairing a damaged lawn!

#5. Aerate Your Lawn

Regular aeration is important for improving air circulation and water infiltration in the soil. It can also help prevent the accumulation of thatch, which results from a build-up of organic matter on the surface of your lawn. This organic matter then prevents water from penetrating deeply into the soil and keeps it closer to the surface, where it can quickly evaporate. A lawn care professional can help you determine when and how to aerate your lawn to maximize its health benefits.

Following these five tips will help you keep your lawn healthy and green throughout the summer months without causing any damage due to overwatering. You must also remember that different grass types require different amounts of water, so it is important to do your research and consult with a professional before making any decisions about watering your lawn. Taking the time to care for your lawn in this way will help you achieve a beautiful and healthy yard all year round.