
What ingredients do most commonly used cleaning products include and how do they effect me?

Cleaning products these days are usually full of chemicals supposedly giving us the power to clean all surfaces and remove all stains that may occur in our home. They promise to help you get the best possible clean for your home, however what they do not tell you is the harm you could be causing […]

What ingredients do most commonly used cleaning products include and how do they effect me? Read More »

DIY Home Repairs: Why You Should Always Leave Home Damage to the Professionals

As a responsible homeowner, your to-do list seems to go on forever. There’s always another repair or maintenance project that needs to be done. Consider the following statistic regarding homeowners throughout the United States. It indicates the average homeowner spends one to four percent of the home’s overall value on home improvement every single year. That can add

DIY Home Repairs: Why You Should Always Leave Home Damage to the Professionals Read More »