
We like to teach our children HOW to think, as opposed to WHAT to think

First Grade

Primary Milestones: Give Your Child the Tools They Need to Succeed in First Grade

Particular grades are considered milestones by parents and teachers. Entering first grade is one of them. Like starting anything new – a hobby, job, relationship, etc, first impressions matter. Your child’s level of comfort may determine how well they do in later grades as well as how they view themselves in relation to school challenges. […]

Primary Milestones: Give Your Child the Tools They Need to Succeed in First Grade Read More »

Reasoning apps

Teacher Talk: Why Reasoning Apps for Children are Essential

Reasoning apps and games are all the rage right now in early education. And for good reason (pun intended), reasoning skills are behind literally every essential cognitive skills from reading to writing to mathematics and everything inbetween. So what is reasoning? Reasoning is the way in which we are able to gather and sort through

Teacher Talk: Why Reasoning Apps for Children are Essential Read More »