Explore the Perfect Eyebrow Shapes to Complement Your Natural Look

With natural eyebrows seeming to be in vogue these days, it’s no wonder so many strive to find the perfect eyebrow shape to complement their natural look. While conventional wisdom may suggest that there is a single “right” eyebrow shape that fits all-natural looks, it’s important to note that everyone has different face shapes.

Therefore everyone needs a unique approach to creating the perfect angle, arch, length and thickness of their eyebrows. When you consider your facial features, such as eye width and forehead shape, you can create an eyebrow style that truly brings out your natural beauty.

How to Identify Your Natural Eyebrow Shape

Identifying your natural eyebrow shape is the first and most crucial step in achieving the perfect eyebrow look. The most common natural eyebrow shapes include round, soft-angular, high-arched, straight, and S-shaped. Find out more on keeping your eyebrow shape natural here.

To identify your natural eyebrow shape, wash your face and remove any makeup or product from your eyebrows.

Look at your eyebrows in a mirror and notice their natural shape, thickness, and length. Are they rounded or more angular? Do they have a natural arch, or are they straight? Next, use a brow pencil or another makeup tool to outline the shape of your natural eyebrows. This will give you a better idea of their natural shape and allow you to see any areas needing additional grooming.

Trying to force your eyebrows into a shape that doesn’t suit their natural shape can lead to an unnatural and unflattering look. So work with it rather than against it.

Complement Your Natural Look With These 5 Eyebrow Shapes

Round Eyebrow Shape

If your eyebrows have a gentle curve with a rounded arch, it means that you have rounded eyebrows.  These have a soft and youthful appearance and can make the eyes appear more open and approachable. To complement this natural shape, avoid over-plucking and thinning out the eyebrows too much. Instead, focus on keeping the eyebrows full and natural-looking.

The best eyebrow techniques for a round shape include gently shaping and defining the brows using a brow pencil or powder. Create a subtle lift by focusing on the outer half of the eyebrows for a soft and natural-looking arch.

Another way to compliment a round eyebrow shape is to keep the eyebrows well-groomed and trimmed. This will help enhance the natural round shape and prevent the brows from looking unkempt or bushy.

Angular Eyebrow Shape

Angular-shaped eyebrows are characterized by a slight angle with a subtle arch. Soft-angular eyebrows have a sophisticated and defined appearance and can make the eyes appear more expressive and focused.

The best eyebrow techniques for a soft-angular shape include defining the arch with a brow pencil or powder and gently shaping the eyebrows to create a crisp, defined look. Avoid thinning out the eyebrows too much or creating a harsh, angular arch, as this can look unnatural. Instead, focus on creating a subtle lift by accentuating the natural curve of the brow.

High-Arched Eyebrow Shape

The high-arched eyebrow shape is a natural beauty- it gives your face a natural lift and adds radiance to your look. This natural eyebrow shape is typically characterized by its curved arch, which meets the head of the brow just above its natural line.

The best eyebrow techniques for this natural shape involve using light strokes to fill in sparse areas and adding definition to the arches – especially if you prefer a more angular arch. Use an eyebrow pencil or powder one shade lighter than your natural color to complete your natural look. This will add to the desired definition and draw attention to the brow’s arch without looking too overdone.

 S-Shaped Eyebrow Shape

This eyebrow shape is quickly becoming the most sought-after natural look, thanks to its natural curvature that follows a gentle ‘S’ shape. 

To achieve this look, enhance your natural brow line by plucking hairs from the opening of your brows. Lightly define the arch, then let natural hairs grow in at the end. 

To highlight this unique eyebrow shape even further, choose products that give a subtle definition, like tinted brow gel or natural eyebrows pencils. Use light feathery strokes of a pencil or powder to fill in gaps or thinner areas and even out the eyebrows. This subtle shading approach paired with careful blending of product will keep your natural shape intact while still adding definition to finish up your look!

Straight Eyebrow Shape

The natural straight eyebrow shape is characterized by its natural beauty and alluring symmetry. Paired with your natural features, this eyebrow eloquently complements all face shapes and creates an overall natural look.

To enhance this shape, use soft, light strokes of a flat-angled brush to fill in gaps and apply a touch of concealer or clear gel. This technique not only seals the brow’s color but also shapes them enough to bring out your natural beauty without overwhelming the eyebrows with product.