Going Back to School as a Parent: Must-Have Tips for Success

You’ve decided to go back to school, only now you also have children. First off, congrats! It’s a huge step, and one you should be proud of.

But going back to school as a parent is a much different undertaking than when you were younger.

If you’re like most parents who return to school, you’re probably wondering about how to make the most of your time, while also keeping up with all your parental duties.

That’s why I put together this post with some great tips for how to head back to the classroom when you also have little ones at home.

So you’ll be better prepared and be able to thrive at both schools and at home!

Sound interesting? Keep reading to find out more.

It’s All About Planning

Gone are the days when you could just roll into class, take notes, and then go on your merry way.

Your life is much more complicated now, which means that you’ll need to plot out every day of classes and homework much more carefully.

Take time to calculate exactly how much time your family needs and how much time your class and school work need in a given day or week.

Then schedule your time with specific chunks for your schoolwork when you know you’ll be able to actually devote time and energy to it.

And if you’re enrolled in an online school, you’ll have an even better chance of plotting out specific windows where you can fully focus on your work.

Forget the Guilt Trip

You’re going to have to make sacrifices when you go back to school as a parent. Sometimes it will mean missing a class because of a family commitment.

Other times it might mean missing something with your kids because of a school commitment.

But the most important thing is not to succumb to feelings of guilt about it. You already have a lot on your plate balancing life and school. There’s no need to pile on with feelings of guilt over it.

Try to minimize it by involving your kids in the process. Odds are, your kids will also have homework on a given night. So make it a family affair! Do your homework while they do theirs. It can be a bonding experience.

Utilize Family and Friends

Your extended family and friends can be a huge help in times of scheduling conflicts and generally balancing school with having kids.

Don’t be afraid to lean on them for help, whether it’s a night of babysitting, or driving your kids somewhere when you have a test.

As long as they know about your goals and your drive to go to school while taking care of your kids, they’ll be psyched to help you live your dreams.

And considering more and more adults are going back to school, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to them that you might need their help.

Communicate With Professors

Remember that your professors aren’t mind-readers. And they also might forget that you are handling more of a load than the average student.

So be sure to communicate with them as much as possible to coordinate your classwork in ways that work with your home schedule.

Ask for clarifications on the professor’s expectations so you know exactly what to do to meet them. And get their advice on things like where to pick up cheap textbooks for their class.

Going Back To School as a Parent

Going back to school as a parent is no small feat. But if you still to the tips in this post, you’ll be ahead of the curve!

And if you’re looking to merge the two paths and teach your kids some real-world advice, check out this blog on teaching your kids about money.