Traveling with a Disabled Child

Traveling with a disabled child need not be stressful. With a bit of planning, you can have a smooth journey and both be relaxed when you arrive at your destination. Sometimes, such journeys cannot be avoided. For example, your child may need to visit a specialist in a bigger town, which may involve a flight or a long drive. However, the law has recognized the difficulties that flying disabled passengers have, and a new rule is being considered to allow them to stay in their own wheelchairs during a flight. Here are some things to consider before you travel.

What Should You Pack?

Your clothing should match the season and predicted weather. If it is cold where you are going, it helps to have packed in extra socks, warm shoes, an extra blanket, and a jacket or sweater. Check with your destination accommodation if you need to bring towels. Even if they are provided, your child may need to be bathed more frequently and you don’t want to be using wet towels. Pack a couple of towels to be sure, as well as additional underwear.

Sunscreen must have an SPF that provides the amount of protection your child needs. Pack the toiletries you will need. Prepare any medication your child takes for travelling. For more specific information on different types of disabilities and options for travel, visit this government site.

Flying to Your Destination

Weigh up the costs, time, and convenience of driving or flying. With a disabled child in tow, you will have your work cut out for you. So, if the two options will take roughly the same time, which one is more amenable and less stressful for you? Remember that when you prepare to leave for a drive or flight and when you reach your destination, you will still have many different things to do before you can rest, made more difficult because of your child’s special needs. Factor in the arriving and departure ordeals of airports when evaluating which is best.

If you choose to fly, make it even easier on yourself by contacting non-emergency medical air transport for assistance. They can manage all the logistics of transporting your child from their bed at home to their bed at the destination. Staff members are fully qualified to take care of any disabled person and attend to all their medical and personal needs on a flight.

Driving to Your Destination

When driving with your disabled child, the vehicle needs to be suitably outfitted. The exact solutions depend on your child’s medical condition. You might have to look for a car seat for older children, which can be found if you know where to look. Some children will need a car seat to be adapted. This should always be paired with a seatbelt. A safety harness and suitable restraint should be provided as indicated. You may be able to seat your child in the front passenger seat, in which case, you must fasten their seatbelt to comply with the law and to avoid being fined, or worse.

Your comfort and safety, and that of your child, are your primary considerations.