When Is it Time For a Toddler Dentist Visit? 5 Signs to Keep an Eye On

Experts recommend bringing your child to the dentist by about age two, or shortly after.

Getting x-rays and learning about oral health at a young age has shown to decrease cavities later on in life.

If you want to ensure that your child’s teeth are growing correctly and healthy, you will want to see a professional. But when?

Continue reading to discover when you need to take your child in for a dentist visit!

1. Loose Teeth

When your child begins losing teeth, you should make consider making an appointment with the dentist.

Typically, this is a normal thing for growing children as they get their adult teeth. If your child has a loose tooth and is experiencing pain, however, you will need to seek help from a professional.

It is normal for there to be a discomfort when a child loses a tooth. Just watch for signs of pain to ensure that an infection is not occurring.

2. Constant Aches

Has your toddler been a bit moodier and complaining about pain?

Aches and pains that don’t seem to go away may be a sign the dentist visit is required. Cold and hot foods can help you determine if there is tooth sensitivity, but it causes a sharp tingling sensation.

If your child has thoroughly brushed their teeth and is feeling the pain for more than a day, you should make an appointment.

3. Color Changes

It can be difficult to distinguish what cavities look like in toddlers, but color changes are a red flag to watch out for.

If your child’s teeth are turning to a gray or black color, you will want to see a professional. These colors often signify that the tooth is dying. Sometimes genetics can play a role in dental health. Make sure you talk to your child’s dentist about any recurring or serious conditions you may have experienced.

4. Bleeding Gums

Gum sensitivity often leads to bleeding gums which can be uncomfortable, especially for toddlers.

Try your best to monitor your child’s gums so that they don’t become inflamed. One of the best ways that your child can avoid bleeding gums and sensitivity is by regularly flossing and brushing.

Bleeding gums is one of the most well-known issues that people experience when they don’t floss. If your child complains of pain, make sure that their gums aren’t bright red.

5. Foul Breath

We all have morning breaths when we roll out of bed but if you notice that your toddler has unusually bad breath, they need a checkup.

Often times when people have oral health issues, they have bad breath. Trapped bacteria is the main culprit for this problem. When brushing teeth and flossing don’t leave a minty freshness, you should get them checked out.

Tooth decay and improper cleaning can quickly be fixed before they get worse!

When Is It Time for a Dentist Visit?

Figuring out the ideal first dentist visit age can be difficult. Fortunately, this guide can help you identify the most common problems.

Tooth decay, swollen gums, and bad breath are common reasons to bring your toddler in for a dentist visit.

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles with parenting tips to keep your children healthy and happy!