How Gadget Makers Can Protect Users from a Hacking

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While technology users are responsible for securing their gadget to a degree, it is becoming increasingly apparent that device manufacturers are also responsible for protecting consumers from a potential cyber attack.

Due to the rise in cybercrime, greater pressure is being placed on device manufacturers to develop a secure gadget design, which should be easy to update. In fact, government regulations could soon force various manufacturers to improve their cybersecurity practices.

Find out how gadget makers can protect their users from hacking.

Patch Security Flaws

Thanks to the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), many cybercriminals are targeting the devices to gain access to personal and corporate networks. For some time now, the burden has been placed on a device used to install strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and screen locks.

However, the biggest threat to a device could be unpatched security flaws, which could lead to a malicious hacking attack, such as a Trojan virus or ransomware. It is an issue that needs to be tackled at a network level, as the flaws must be immediately patched to prevent a user from becoming a victim of hacking.

Add Cryptography

Adding cryptography into a device can add an extra layer of security, as it can authenticate communications between a device and the software and, consequently, improve device security. As a result, it will ensure the software will run in the manner designed by a coder and cannot be manipulated.

Configure TLS Implementations

A recent study found that various smartwatches offer a lack of encryption and insufficient authentication, which can lead to privacy and cybersecurity concerns. Many device manufacturers have, therefore, been encouraged to properly configure TLS implementations, which can secure communications across various networks and can protect the transferring of data.

Remain Up-to-Date on PCB Design

Device manufacturers have a responsibility to provide their users with a safe, secure device. To effectively configure a device, both engineers and device manufacturers must remain up-to-date on PCB design to adhere to the latest layout principles and guidelines. For example, you can visit Altium to read the latest PCB news, tips, and insights.

Feature Remote Security Monitoring

Remote security monitoring can be an effective cybersecurity solution for developers of connected devices, as they will be immediately alerted if a network or software is facing a breach. The security feature can help developers to remain vigilant on their software security so that they can act quickly should they detect a breach.


Cybercrime is not only posing a threat to smartphone or PC users’ photos, files, and data, but it can potentially jeopardize the health and safety of the public. For example, a hacker could possibly control and alter the signal of a patient’s pacemaker, or they could familiarize themselves with a homeowner’s smart device to gain an understanding of their schedule and identify when they will not be home.

It is both a device manufacturer and user’s responsibility to protect their devices at all costs, or they might become victim to a devastating cybersecurity attack.