9 Behavioral Reasons Your Child Struggles with Math

A majority of students will struggle with maths class at some point. It is not uncommon to hear complaints from students that they dislike math because it is too hard. But why do so many students have this opinion? Why is math so tricky and challenging to learn? In many cases, math struggles are a behavioural issue. Once your child has failed to grasp a particular concept or theory, their struggle compounds, and they lose their confidence. Maths tutoring helps your child understand concepts clearly. It provides a strategy that can speed up their learning.


This condition is a learning difficulty that causes students to struggle with math concepts such as formula, shapes, and numbers. It is difficult for them to understand and find solutions to math problems. Because of this, the students fall behind their peers in math subjects and have challenges with number-related problems. Even with ongoing practice, they do not improve.

Math anxiety

Students who suffer from anxiety do not merely dislike math, but rather it creates intense feelings of fear and failure that hurt their ability in the subject. The pressure of solving problems and limited confidence causes their brain to freeze, and they may even forget concepts they already know.

Poor foundations

Poor performance in math subjects is not always a result of a learning challenge. For a majority of students who are challenged by math subjects, they lack the proper foundation for success. These learners fall behind and are forced to move on to advanced material before they are ready, which results in falling or slipping grades. If this is the case, it is crucial to hire a maths tutoring professional to help your child.

Math is difficult to relate to

Compared to other subjects, math is very abstract. Students learn optimally when they can apply topics in practical areas. Since math is more advanced and challenging, it isn’t easy to do so. Thus, most students find themselves having to work harder and practice longer to grasp abstract math theories and concepts.

Math only has right and wrong

Unlike other subject areas, math has no room for error. Either your child knows what he or she is doing or not. Because of this, math quickly becomes frustrating and stressful.

Math builds on itself

Math builds on everything that comes before. It is considered a cumulative subject. Your child needs to understand the basics before moving on to higher levels. If your child falls behind in one fundamental area, it can be challenging to understand advanced concepts without foundational knowledge.

Students are wired to expect math to be difficult

Students who believe math is complicated is a case of self-fulfilling prophecy. Because students expect math to be complicated, it becomes so. When students keep on expecting math to be challenging, they quickly give up before understanding anything. A negative mindset can result in a domino effect of low confidence, less motivation, and poor performance.

Memorisation ahead of understanding is wrong

Most students simply memorise concepts and formulas in math without really understanding the processes behind them. It can be successful for a while, but as students progress to higher levels and encounter more complex problems, they may find it challenging to solve them because they are not armed with problem-solving skills to tackle new problems.

Math has a reputation for being boring

Math has a bad rep for being difficult and tedious. A majority of students simply aren’t excited or motivated to learn math. Once students are not motivated, they only do the bare minimum requirements before moving on to something they would rather be doing. This attitude doesn’t help them become successful in math class.


Your child must understand math subjects. A solid grasp of math opens up numerous high-paying employment opportunities for your child. Fields that require an understanding of math are the future. Many jobs require STEM mastery, so it is crucial to give your child a head start.