Cook Italian: 4 Ingredients Truly Authentic Italian Recipes

There’s a whole lot more than Pizza and spaghetti when it comes to Italian food. There are a plethora of ingredients that enhance the flavor of all Italian Cuisine. Although Italian food seems heavy or bold, in essentiality, it’s rich and textural at so many levels, and not at all heavy! Let’s not intellectualize Italian Cuisine, it truly comes from a place of evocatively emotional heart, making it one of the heartiest cuisines globally. Unlike most other cuisines that are governed by protein, Italian is an eminent celebration of produce and a huge selection of cured meats. Today, let us focus on the produce that Italy imbibes through and through, in all their major recipes.

Staying traditional to the authentic produce from Italy is what makes Italian Cuisine enjoyable. Trying to recreate the Italian recipes without authentically sourced Italian ingredients is a call for failure on the very first step in the process of trying to emulate this Cuisine.

These are the verifiably sourced Italian ingredients found in authentic Italian food shops:

  1. Cheese: Truly, any discussion of Italian Cuisine would not be complete without mentioning cheese sourced from the various regions of Italy. Cheese is not just a part of the Cuisine, but a dominant part of the Italian culture and daily life. Veneto, Lombardy, and Piedmont are some of the quality producers of fine cheese in Italy. Italian food wouldn’t be the same without the presence of its humble cheese production. Some have a delicate flavor, and others are very strong. Parmigiano Reggiano is among the most famously known Italian cheese worldwide. It also termed “The King of Italian Cheeses.” They are aged to perfection.
  2. Olive Oil:In the year 2018, Italians consumed 557,000 tons of olive oil. In comparison, the US consumed 315,000 tons. That above-mentioned figure should be able to put things in perspective with regards to the importance of olive oil in Italian Cuisine. This oil has been a staple of the region for thousands of years. Just as all produce, olive oil is also graded on its quality. Apart from the Cuisine, Italians use olive oil in many different ways. It is common to assume that Italians use the best quality of their olive oils – “the extra virgin” one to cook their food – NOT TRUE! They use lesser quality, less flavorful versions of their extra virgin olive oils while cooking, whereas saving the quality oils from drizzling over portions of pasta, bread, salads, and everything else. Some of the best Italian olive oils are Partanna olive oil, Partanna Sicilian olive oil, and Partanna extra virgin olive oil.

Also Read This: Italian Olive Oil: The Benefits it Give and How to Find an Original Product   

  1. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are one of the most commonly used ingredients in Italian cooking. Tomatoes find their way into all kinds of recipes – from lasagna to spaghetti, salads to side dishes, stuffings to paella. All recipes celebrate tomatoes. Today some of the largest producers of tomatoes are Italy – from the regions of Puglia, Sardinia, Campania, and the coveted Sicily. San Marzano is the most popularly known and used tomato sauce. It is a long shaped tomato with very fleshy meat. It contains a minimal amount of seeds and thus deemed perfect for making sauces for pizza toppings, pasta, and other bases. They have just the mild sweetness and the perfect amount of acidity. Make sure to source these products from Italy, if you are trying to get the authentic flavors of Italy.
  2. Mushrooms: Italy’s landscape is home to many forests and fields, and they hold many types of mushroom growth. The rainy and sunny climate is the perfect climatic condition for the growth of mushrooms. During summer and the autumn season, mushroom harvesting is a common household chore across Italy. They are a meaty vegan alternative to game and poultry. They are also eaten in many different ways and even used as stuffings for many recipes. Italians even go to the extent of preserving mushrooms in high-quality extra virgin olive oil and then plate them as starters at mealtimes. Porcini Boletus Mushrooms preserved in extra virgin olive oil is one of the best starter foods all over Italy.

These four ingredients are what makes Italian Cuisine impeccably and authentically Italian. Source these from the right places. Italian food online stores carry a variety of these ingredients and also ships them to your desired address. Begin your journey experiencing Italian Cuisine the right way.

Author Bio:-I am Daisy Bell a pro-level blogger with years of experience in writing for multiple industries. I have extensive knowledge of Food, Fitness, Healthcare, business, fashion, and many other popular niches. I have post graduated in arts and have a keen interest in traveling.