Don’t Let The Holidays Stress You Out

Everyone experiences stress. With so many unexpected variables in life, it’s inevitable. What’s important is to recognize what you are feeling and know that you can learn how to manage stress. Otherwise, it can overwhelm you or cause you related health issues. 

When you start preparing for the upcoming holiday season, make sure to use some known stress-relieving techniques to combat the extra pressures the holiday season brings. Exercising works wonders to lower hormone levels that naturally increase with stress. If you can’t seem to find the time to fit in your usual jog or yoga session, all is not lost. When you are hopping from store to store, trying to find the perfect gifts, park further away from the stores instead of looking for the closest spot. 

Gifting Stress Relief

Finding the perfect gifts for family and friends comes at a cost. Sometimes that cost can feel like you’re losing your sanity if you let it. Why not share your mindfulness by gifting your loved ones with a care package of relaxation products? Reminding others of the importance of self-care is a gift that never goes out of style. 

Coping With Shopping

It can be easy to get carried away when you don’t have a plan of action for your holiday shopping. Starting the new year with excess debt from the holidays will certainly compound your woes. Start with a budget. Take a realistic look at your cash flow and determine exactly how much you are willing to spend on shopping for others. Be forewarned, creating a budget is the easy part; sticking to it requires more effort. 

Have a plan of action. Holiday shopping isn’t the only thing that can easily overwhelm you during the holidays. Planning meals and accommodations for out-of-town guests can be equally troublesome. Create a timeline of what tasks need to be done when and prepare as much as you can in advance. The point of planning is to try to keep from being overwhelmed with everything at the same time.  

Avoiding the chaos of holiday shoppers can also lend to your peace of mind. Shopping centers and malls are less crowded during the week. If you can fit it into your schedule, try to plan to do your shopping during the day or weeknights. If you find yourself stuck standing in a long line, despite your best efforts, use that time to practice mindfulness. 

Gifts to Yourself

It is normal to focus on everyone else and be selfless, especially during the holidays. You can do that as long as you don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. The best thing you can give yourself is “me time”. Make sure you set some time aside every day just for yourself. You can do this by spending 5 minutes every morning either stretching or doing mindful meditation. Taking your mind to a beautiful and peaceful place, practicing controlled breathing, and just letting yourself relax sets you up for a smooth, less stressful day. 

If despite your best efforts you still find yourself feeling stressed out during the day, take a break. Stop what you’re doing and take a moment to refocus and allow yourself the opportunity for frustrations to pass instead of compound. Slow, deliberate breathing can be an effective method for calming down. 

Being generous isn’t defined by the amount you spend on presents. The best gift you can give someone is your time and attention. Remind yourself the holidays won’t last forever. Brush off annoyances and be patient with your loved ones. Keeping your cool over the holidays is healthier than being stressed out and will make them much more enjoyable for everyone.