Strategies for Going Back to College After Having a Baby

You’ve welcomed your baby into the world, and now you’re ready to get back into the classroom. While you may feel overwhelmed getting into higher learning now that you have a child to take care of, there are approaches you can take to ease your way back into the books. Here are some strategies for going back to college after having a baby that will affirm your decision to return in pursuit of your degree.

Get rid of the guilt.

One of the biggest hurdles for new moms to get past in order to continue pursuit or begin chasing their college degrees is eliminating guilt from being away from their infants. However, there is time to still have that connection with your baby. If you can’t take part in regular breastfeeding, you can invest in a hands free breast pump to properly extract milk for your newborn. Pumps are now designed to slip right into a bra, attaching to the nipples and barely noticeable to get ounces of breast milk to feed your baby.

It may be tough, depending on your living situation, to try to spread your responsibilities as you care for your infant. However, having that time for learning and being with classmates actually can create a positive aura that you can bring home to your baby for your alone time together. Schedule set times for quality activities with your baby beyond just pumping. This will help to turn those guilty feelings into positive interactions and show everyone in your house that you can manage to find time for them.

Be transparent and unafraid of help.


Some people are just hesitant to ask for help or accept it. However, there’s no shame in taking that helping hand. It can start from working with online college counseling to find exactly what you need to make your college application stand out in a pile of prospective students. College counselors can help you determine the requirements for the particular program you’re seeking to be a part of, sorting schools by your preferences. You’ll also be made aware of the more accommodating programs for your particular situation both in-person and online.

In addition to the help of counseling services, work with your friends and family members to make your schedule work for you and your baby. Allowing grandparents to care for their grandchild is a beautiful experience and can afford you the time to study and make a better life for your kid. Be sure to also be transparent with your professors. By being forward about your parenthood, you might afford yourself an understanding if deadlines loom large if your professor is a parent as well. It could also help you if a professor warns you of the intensive nature of their course, preventing you from taking on a course that will overload you.

Set a routine.


One of the easiest approaches to going back to school after having a baby is putting yourself into a routine of coursework, studying, and caring for your kid. Be sure to make your time have merit. Don’t distract yourself with social media or television when it’s not your downtime. Finding a routine that’s an ideal fit assures a quality environment to complete assignments and make sure that you’re on pace to graduate on time.

Counselors may recommend organizational or scheduling apps on your phone to keep track of your assignments and other requirements to complete a course. By creating a routine, you can stay on top of your educational program while making sure that everyone who is helping you in the quest for your goals understands their place within your routine. This will afford you the time you need and the focus you deserve to give your child the best possible future.