The 11 Heating Mistakes We All Make During Winter

Winter can play havoc with our health, as we can experience a sniffle, common cold or the flu. Unfortunately, there are some big mistakes we all make during the colder months that can cause our health more harm than good. Find out the 11 heating mistakes we all make during winter.

Cranking Up the Thermostat

Many people are often tempted to crank up the thermostat during chilly temperatures. However, this is a big mistake. It doesn’t matter if you increase the temperature by 1 or 10 degrees, as the furnace will heat up at the same rate. The only thing you will do is make your thermostat work a lot harder, and you will then overheat a room, so you will be forced to turn the thermostat down. As a result, you will receive a more expensive heating bill while adding unwanted pressure onto an HVAC system. Turn up the heating gradually to take pressure off the furnace and warm the room to the right temperature.

Failing to Repair or Maintain a Heating System

The last thing you will want is a faulty or low-performing heating system during the winter months. You can guarantee those chilly temperatures will feel a whole lot colder if you fail to repair or maintain a heating system. Unfortunately, many people will avoid paying for repair or maintenance fees all summer long, only to realize their mistake once winter arrives. We, therefore, recommend contacting a professional for a heating system repair or maintenance service. Click here for more information:

Turning Off Your Thermostat at Night

Do you turn your heating off during the night? If so, you are making a big mistake. Many people believe turning their thermostat off or down at night-time will save them money, but, unfortunately, it can do the opposite. That is because your heating system will have to work harder to heat back up the next morning.

Heating an Empty Home

There is no point heating your house if no-one is home. It will simply result in a bigger heating bill at the end of the month. Yet, you might want to avoid your heating working twice as hard once you arrive home. We, therefore, recommend installing a programmable thermostat, which will allow you to control the time you would like to turn your heating on or off. This is ideal if you are going on vacation, as you can keep the temperature low while you are away, and you can return to a cozy home.

Closing Your Heating System Vents

Many people believe closing their heat vents will help to decrease their heating bill. By doing so, they could soon be phoning for a heating system repair. That is because closing the vents will cause a system to become inefficient, and it can create an imbalance. So, keep the vents open daily so your system can work efficiently.

Welcoming Draughts

When temperatures drop, you must actively take the steps to keep the warm air inside your home, while preventing the cold air from leaking in. It is therefore important to seal up any air leaks that could reduce your home’s temperature considerably.

We suggest closing and locking all windows and doors, and applying a weatherstrip or patch to prevent draughts, if required. You could also hang thicker curtains over your windows and doors, and close them during the colder evenings.

Keeping the Curtains Closed During the Day

By all means, close the curtains during the night, but you should open them up during the daytime. Natural sunlight can warm up your home throughout the day, even during a cold season, which can prevent you from cranking up the thermostat.

If you are worried about draughts making their way in during the day, we suggest laying fresh caulk around the windows’ edges to seal cracks. In addition to warming up your home, natural sunlight will also improve your mood, which will prevent you experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Running an Exhaust Fan

Are you guilty of regularly leaving an exhaust fan running? If so, you could be allowing warm air to escape from your home. Turn off all exhaust fans in your bathroom or kitchen when they are no longer in use, so they do not pump any more air outside your home.

Not Changing an Air Filter

When was the last time you changed the air filter in your system? The dirtier your air filter is, the harder your system will have to work to warm up your home. What’s more, a dirt-filled air filter will create more dust, so the pollutants will circulate across your home. The time might have come to replace the filter, so you can breathe in clean air all winter long. We recommend changing the air filter on the same day each month, so it becomes a routine household chore.

Using a Space Heater Over Central Heating

A space heater can be a great way to warm up a small room; however, it should never replace a powerful central heating system, which is a more affordable, efficient and safer option. Unfortunately, space heaters are responsible for many residential fires each year, which is often due to carelessness. When using a space heater, you must follow various safety measures to protect both the property and its residents.

Overestimating the Power of a Wood-Burning Fireplace

Nothing can quite beat the crackle of a wood-burning fire during the chilly winter months. While they might make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, they can fail to efficiently warm up your home. Whilst they work as a great source of ancillary heat, they will fail to warm every room within the home. As a result, they are more expensive to run and can damage the air quality within the home, as fireplace smoke can contain methane, carbon monoxide and carcinogens.

Warming up your home doesn’t have to be difficult. Simply follow the above top tips to create a winter-warming house all season long.