
The Juvenile Law: 5 Things You Need to Do When Your Child Is Arrested

Very few parents expect their child to be arrested. However, pre-teens and teens can be arrested for things that happen while they’re with their friends, while they’re with their parents, or while they’re at school. No matter why the child is arrested, there are some things a parent needs to do to help control the […]

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Daniel DeKoter Attorney at Law, On Why Crime Is Higher In Big Cities Than Small Towns

My friend Daniel DeKroter attorney at law in Des Moines Iowa, is a resident of the tiny Osceola County, Iowa like myself. We were speaking last week about crime, and why big cities seem to have a higher amount of crime than smaller areas, rural or otherwise. I know that there are many examples of crime

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Peter Howe Michigan Looks at What It Takes for Someone to Be Accepted in Law School

For Peter Howe Michigan was always going to be home. This is where he would go to law school, and where he would practice. And that is exactly what he has done. Nowadays, he dedicates much of his time to helping other people get into law school. He remembers how hard it was, particularly for those

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