The Most Destructive Cyber Threats To Watch Out For In 2020

Source: S.Hermann & F.Richter on Pixabay

When it comes to cyber security, you can never be too safe. Computers hold so much of our important pertinent data – even someone gaining access to your email address can have consequences that you can’t fathom if they’re used in the wrong way. Cyber threats are a nuisance for both individuals and businesses alike, which is why having a seriously strong and reliable antivirus program is so critical to help protect yourself and your information. If you’re worried about cyber threats, you should definitely consider getting the best antivirus for Windows now – and save yourself from some of these destructive cyber threats to watch out for in 2020. 

IoT Attacks

IoT – or Internet of Things – basically refers to devices that are internet compatible. Projections show that by the middle of the next decade, the average household could have as many as eighteen devices that are connected to the internet, making this a potentially enormous haven for cybercriminals to exploit for their own gains. Many different products that are connected to the internet don’t have the same safeguards in terms of antivirus or general protections that laptops or computers have, making them a prime target to access personal information from. This will pose a challenge for individuals and businesses as more people are using things like Alexa or Amazon Echo that access the internet but with little protection from possible threats.


Phishing is a form of scam where people are tricked into downloading potentially malicious software, essentially installing a virus onto their computers themselves unknowingly. Many phishing scams go around year after year, with one of the most popular types being PayPal phishing scams. One of the best ways to avoid this is to look at any emails from purported trusted senders carefully – check the email from which it came, and also read the fine print. You might find spelling errors, grammatical errors or slightly different logos that will raise red flags. A bit of extra vigilance will help keep you safe! If you’re still not sure, consider getting some free antivirus software to ensure the continued safety of your laptops and desktops – as well as other devices. 


Ransomware is a type of malware that essentially locks up your laptop, restricts accesses and demands a ransom to restore access. The danger with ransomware is twofold – number one, if you don’t pay the ransom, it can be very difficult to get rid of this type of malware. Secondly, there’s no guarantee that the perpetrator will actually restore access, even if the ransom is paid. In this sense, it’s critical to avoid this type of malware to save yourself a huge hassle and money bonus za rejestrację bez depozytu, so be sure to install some kind of antivirus protection that will stop this from happening. 

There you have a couple of the threats that are on the radar for 2020. Unfortunately as technology develops, so does cybercrime, so it’s imperative to take all the necessary precautions you can to avoid falling victim to some of these elaborate schemes. Good luck!