Tried & Tested Tips To Motivate Your Teen Academically

The teenage years are the most challenging ones for kids and parents. You can never be on the same page with your child, no matter how hard you try. The challenges can get even more daunting on the academic front. A rebellious teen can go in the wrong direction and ruin their career prospects for good. As a parent, you must approach the situation with great care. The only way to guide your child is strategically and without pressure. You can do your best by motivating the kid academically. Here are some tried and tested tips to do it.

Keep things easy

Building pressure to do well in school is the worst thing you can do with a teenager. Even soft pressure with expectations can cause stress for the child and lead to rebellion. It can drain them to the extent of affecting their energy levels. Keep things easy for the child by steering clear of burdening them with expectations. A stress-free approach does well at motivating the teen, so keep it that way.

Build a friendly relationship

Building a friendly relationship with your teen goes beyond strengthening your personal bond. It also helps with academic motivation as the child will open up about their struggles and interests. Be available and prioritize open communication to allow the kid to discuss their deepest fears. A friendly parent-child bond is also about not judging their choices. If they want to pursue an artistic field instead of STEM, let them do it.

Give visual cues

Teen motivation is not about being verbal because it causes inherent stress. Give visual cues to inspire them instead. You can be creative with motivational quotes and convert them into inspiring wall posters. Even better, display a realistic college diploma and transcripts in the study area of your child. Such visual cues go a long way with academic motivation as the kid feels enthusiastic by just looking at them. Every time they feel low, these cues remind them of their goals.

Ditch rewards and threats

If you think rewards and threats can help your child’s academic performance, you are mistaken. Neither has anything to do with the love for learning. Rewards only give temporary gratification, and threats can actually make the child hate studies. Focus on cultivating the right attitude instead. Explain how studying today will take them a step closer to success in the future. Let the child envision a goal, and they will do their best to reach it.

Steer clear of micromanagement

Parents often want to help their high schoolers with time management and organization. But they often end up micromanaging kids despite all good intentions. The child may feel suffocated with parents deciding their study and break schedules and managing things for them. Try to play only a supportive role, and be there when your teen needs you rather than hovering over at all times.

Motivating a teen academically is a daunting challenge for any parent. But get your facts right and take a strategic approach, and you can do it the right way.