What Is the Ideal Way to Practice Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest?

Most adults have sleep disorders. It can be difficult to relax when you are troubled with stress and negative thoughts. Yoga Nidra is a powerful yoga technique that can help you get a deep rest.

This yogic sleep is an ancient practice for relaxation and healing. You reach a profound state of consciousness that calms your mind and body. Read on to know the ideal way to practice this effective technique for deep rest.

Cultivate Your Safe Space

To achieve deep rest, you have to feel comfortable and secure. Alter your room or the area where you intend to practice by making it more cozy, safe, and private. Your mind subconsciously prepares itself to relax and rest.

If you practice in a studio or cannot modify your room, you can always tap into your inner resource. This resource can be any place, person, or object that allows you to feel safe. Whenever you feel anxious or discomfort crawling during the practice, channel your inner resource in your mind.

Ease into a Supported and Relaxed Posture

Yoga Nidra is effortless in nature. Make sure that your joints and muscles do not make any effort and build pressure during the practice. You can support your body to avoid any muscle movements.

Lie flat on your back. If your head and neck experience strain, support them with a pillow. Add adequate padding underneath your body to have a cushioned effect. You can do so with a yoga mat if you prefer.

A well-supported and relaxed posture allows your body to enter into deep rest.

Focus on Your Breath

When you try to remain still, your mind tends to bring up all your troubling thoughts to the limelight. To avoid being consumed by your thoughts, focus actively on your breathing while practicing yogic sleep.

Concentrate while breathing in and out slowly. Feel your breath’s temperature and enjoy the sensation of drawing in the fresh air. Your thoughts will soon fade away.

Relax Your Whole Body

Yogic sleep brings you awareness of each part of your body. Focus on one body part or area in turns. Loosen the tension from each of them and let your body relax. You can start with your forehead and proceed to your eyes, neck, and shoulders.

Continue to release your muscles down your body length, from your torso to your toes. When your whole body switches to relaxation, you can attain deep rest. It recharges your energy. By being actively recharged, you equip your body and mind to remain energetic and healthy.


Rest involves the absence of any techniques. You can now surrender all efforts to imbibe deep relaxation. Let your consciousness take over. It allows you to connect with your inner self.

The tensions escape from your body. Subsequently, your mind begins to calm down. Your whole anatomical system goes into a relaxation mode. This state invites deep rest.

You can practice Yoga Nidra at any time for deep rest. It allows your body to go into a relaxed state while being aware of your inner consciousness. However, it is essential to practice this effective technique right. Only then can you induce deep rest.